The two founding members of the show, host Pat McLoughlin (of the classic rock band that was managed by Brian Epstein; “The Cyrkle”), and engineer Doug Tracy (noted musical historian) take a great deal of pride in bringing you these truly in-depth interviews, with guests from the National and Midwest Region’s musical arenas, as well as present the extraordinary talent pool of the Central Ohio marketplace. These historical documents will provide you with hours of entertainment, musical insight, unique “one-off live performances, and a wealth of education from all aspects of the music and entertainment industry. Pat and Doug welcome you with open arms to Local Lix.
Meet & Join the Cyrkle
- Performing for over thirty years and over 1,200 live performances
- Founding member of Cimarron and The Gas Pump Jockeys
- Reunited Cyrkle which opened for The Beatles
- Retired IT professional with a passion for music and local history
- Operates the board for recording, interviews, mixes the material
- Manages